Cancer Nutrition
Going through cancer is usually a difficult period for patients and their families. Cancer treatments can tough on a patient’s body because during treatment healthy cells can be damaged.
The exhaustion from treatment and the physiological effects can be a tremendous burden on your system. A lack of proper nutrition can further compromise your immune system and your general well being.
Here are some common side effects people encounter during their treatment and ways you can work through them. Some food related side effects may be able to be treated with medication so be sure to speak with your doctor concerning any side effects you encounter.
Nausea and Vomiting
This is a common side effect for cancer patients.
Doctors can now prescribe medications to help reduce or even eliminate this all together. These medications called antiemetics block the brain from absorbing the signals that cause nausea and vomiting. Most patients will need to try various drugs before they find the one that is right for them.
Loss of Appetite
One of the most common side effects of treatment is loss of appetite.
Things to try:
Make sure to eat more when feeling hungriest.
Try taking a large meal and turning it into smaller portions. This will create a mentality of hunger
Eat a number of small meals and snacks during the day instead of 3 large meals
Make sure to stock the foods you love. A diet of personal favorites will appease you.
Try eating in a positive atmosphere where
Also make sure that you monitor your weight. The effects of treatment combined with a loss of appetite can cause rapid weight loss. Here are a list of things you can do to pack more calories into your food.
Weight Loss
Weight loss after treatments can be caused by a number of reasons: appetite loss due to nausea and vomiting, changes in metabolism, fatigue, decreased absorption of nutrients etc. Severe weight loss and malnutrition can compromise the immune system and general well-being so it is important to maintain a healthy diet.
We recommend following tips
Eat smaller meals 5-6 times day rather than 3 big meals.
Don’t forget the mayo. Adding things like butter/margarine, mayonnaise, salad dressing, sour cream and jam to foods is a great way to provide a boost to a patients calorie intake.
Snack foods like ice cream, cheese sticks, yogurt and pudding are easy to serve and packed with calories.
Instead of skim milk, drink homogenized or 2%
Eat cream-based soup instead of clear broth
Try using vegetable oils when cooking
Sprinkle extra cheese on favorite pasta dish and pizza
Here are some common side effects people encounter during
their treatment and ways you can work through them. Some food
related side effects may be able to be treated with medication
so be sure to speak with your doctor concerning any side effects
you encounter.
Nausea and Vomiting
This is a common side effect for cancer patients.
Doctors can now prescribe medications to help reduce or even
eliminate this all together. These medications called antiemetics
block the brain from absorbing the signals that cause nausea
and vomiting. Most patients will need to try various drugs
before they find the one that is right for them.
Loss of Appetite
One of the most common side effects of treatment is loss
of appetite. This can be caused from physical sickness or
the psychological effects of treatment.
Things to try:
- Make sure to eat more when feeling hungriest.
- Try taking a large meal and turning it into smaller portions.
This will create a mentality of hunger
- Eat a number of small meals and snacks during the day
instead of 3 large meals
- Make sure to stock the foods you love. A diet of personal
favorites will appease you.
- Try eating in a positive atmosphere where
Also make sure that you monitor your weight. The effects
of treatment combined with a loss of appetite can cause rapid
weight loss. Here are a list of things you can do to pack
more calories into your food.
Weight Loss
Weight loss after treatments can be caused by a number of
reasons: appetite loss due to nausea and vomiting, changes
in metabolism, fatigue, decreased absorption of nutrients
etc. Severe weight loss and malnutrition can compromise the
immune system and general well-being so it is important to
maintain a heathy diet.
We recommend following tips
- Eat smaller meals 5-6 times day rather than 3 big meals.
- Don’t forget the mayo. Adding things like butter/margarine,
mayonnaise, salad dressing, sour cream and jam to foods
is a great way to provide a boost to a patients calorie
- Snack foods like ice cream, cheese sticks, yogurt and
pudding are easy to serve and packed with calories.
- Instead of skim milk, drink homogenized or 2%
- Eat cream-based soup instead of clear broth
- Try using vegetable oils when cooking
- Sprinkle extra cheese on favorite pasta dish and pizza